Friday, February 15, 2013

God is Big! God is Strong! God is Smart!

One of our favorite songs we used to sing with our children (complete with motions) was,
“My God is SO Big! So strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do!”
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   I asked Greg to pray I would be strong and courageous this week.  I had prayed this myself before I opened my devotional that morning.  The devotion was (ironically Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified…the Lord will be with you wherever you go!”)  How sweet was God to respond with His Word to my request.
   However, the devotional pointed out that before God had asked Joshua to be strong and courageous, He already knew what His people would face.  He had already shown His faithfulness to Moses to encourage Joshua that he could trust God, he need only to “be strong and courageous.”
   Greg did pray for me that morning.  He gave me another verse I would need to cling to. Psalm 147: 5 says  “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength.”  Greg personally paraphrased this to say, “God is Big, God is Strong, and God is Smart!” 
   As I look forward to being with my Dad in the next week as he recovers in rehab and then on to care for my father in law as he struggles with Parkinson’s I have to believe there is One who can more than adequately care for these two men.   God has shown Himself to be faithful to me in so many ways.  And what a sweet thought to know He knows what I will be facing in the days to come.
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   As you look at the beautiful sets of eyes that look to you and call you “Mom” realize you can trust our Father to be Big enough, Strong enough and Smart enough to show you how to parent each of their individual needs.  I challenge you to sing “My God is so Big!” (You can find the song and the motions on YouTube!) Enjoy planting the truth of God’s Word in your child’s heart and enjoy living the truth everyday!

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