Thursday, February 7, 2013


We had an incident with a family member this week that scared my children.  They have watched this person over the last year become increasingly angry.  Expressing that anger in words and in action.  We have been praying for their heart and for there to be real repentance. 

It has been especially difficult for my oldest son.  This is someone he had looked up to and respected.  My heart has been breaking for him as he has sat with me several times in tears trying to understand.  He is angry and afraid.  He is having all sorts of emotions that he isn’t quite sure how to deal with.   

I encouraged him to put his words on paper one night because he had so much on his heart he could not go to sleep.  He decided to write this loved one a letter.  He asked me to read the letter to make sure it was okay.  Oh…it was more than okay.  He expressed in the words of a nine year old boy that he was angry and scared but his biggest concern, the question that he ended the letter with was… Do you know Jesus? 

As I read it my heart was burdened with my son’s pain but so proud for the boldness that he had to ask the only question that matters.  He is nine!  I am in awe of the goodness of my God.  I was not asking anyone at the age of nine if they knew Jesus.  I wasn’t asking anyone at the age of 20.

 My son concluded the letter with a verse of scripture that he has written on his heart.  A verse that he had memorized earlier this year for his Bible quizzing and he used it here so perfectly. 

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”  Acts 16:31 

The boldness of my son challenges me to look at my own life.  How bold am I for Christ?  When have I asked someone, “Do you know Jesus?”  And what about the heart of the little boy who cares enough to ask that question?  Amazing, isn’t it?  I want a heart that cares that much. 

Heavenly Father thank you for the blessing of my children.  Every day as I go through the craziness of life: the frustrations, the yelling, the fighting, wondering what I am doing wrong, why don’t they listen, am I not disciplining enough, am I disciplining too much.  I can question myself right into a depression.  But Lord when you show me the heart of my child.  When you show me that love they have for another person.  I stand in awe and I know then that something is going right in the midst of what I see as craziness.  Thank you Lord for my so many blessings.  

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