Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Am I Doing?

Plans fail for lack of counsel, 
but with many advisers they succeed. 
- Proverbs 15:22

Recently my husband's job schedule and location has changed. He is now working from home 6 days a week and it has been an eye opener to say the least. He has a small office set up in the corner of our room and gets to hear EVERYTHING that goes on in or house on any given day. 

Having my husband, James, at home more has been such an awesome thing. He is an extra set of eyes and ears that can shed light on those things I am doing well and the areas I need improvement on. I so value and cherish his opinion. Many times in my frustration as I vent to him, he gives me great counsel. 

Sometimes it is hard to swallow but I know it is what the Lord wants me to hear. My pride will peak up and then once I have a moment to think about it, I realize the Holy Spirit is using him to convict my heart.  James is looking out for my best interest and wants me to shine bright for Christ...especially in my role as a mommy. 

Do you have someone, a family member or friend, who observes your parenting style? If so, have they ever encouraged you to change some "old habits?" How did you receive their counsel?

Have you ever asked for counsel from a seasoned mommy? It is such a gift when we ask those who have walked before us ...for insight on those areas we struggle in.

Pray and ask the Lord to reveal any areas in your role as a mommy that need correcting. Then, BUCKLE UP, and be ready to watch Him mold you into the best mommy possible :)

For lack of guidance a nation falls, 
but many advisers make victory sure. 
- Proverbs 11:14

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