Friday, July 20, 2012


I’ve been keeping a secret…

            For more than a month, I’ve been working on a surprise.  As mentioned in previous posts, I’m not a gift giver.  But sometimes…gifts are very appropriate.

            Greg and I will celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary this week.  I wanted to get him something so special (and not silver!) Gifts are on the bottom rung of his love languages, so I had to think and pray hard for the perfect gift.

Thus, began my conquest for just the right gift.  I thought of what made him happy; of what made him really smile…and that my friend is where the idea began.  It occurred to me Greg smiles easily when he sees me.  He especially smiles when he sees me dressed up.  We have talked over the last 25 years about renewing our vows, but it seemed too hard to figure the “when and the where.”  I decided the gift should be a surprise vow renewal. Just as the Grinch’s plan began to grow and with every sneaky fiber of my being "the Secret" hatched.

Greg realizing something is up!
Watching me surprise him in a new dress.
         This blog is not the place to detail all that I had to hide, what you need to know is it was fun and exciting and it worked!

Mission Vow Renewal Complete!
          As I planned and hid the evidence, I grew very excited and couldn’t help but parallel this experience with how we as parents KNOW what is good and right for our children.  We know what is coming up and how much they will enjoy it.  We know the potential and possibility of their lives. Sometimes they will neither trust us nor walk happily to the destination.

            God too, has a big surprise for us. I can only imagine His anticipation!!  He is planning our future (Jeremiah 29:11.)  A future on this side of eternity that will bring about my conformity to His image. A future on the other side of eternity that will bring me into His Presence.  As His bride, we will all wear white and He will again renew His vows to us!!  
                                        Can you imagine His anticipation?


  1. Congratulations Joannie and Greg!! How beautiful!

  2. Love this! Thank you for sharing and congratulations! You look absolutely stunning!
