Saturday, July 7, 2012

SLOW DOWN....They are Listening!

Last night we went to church to hear a friend who was doing the message. We got there early which was such a blessing. It seems whenever I am walking into the building my mind is racing in a million directions. Sippy cups, diaper, stroller all in a hurried mess to get my kids to class. I think my mind is so rushed I miss many people and things going on right in my "line of fire" as I am blazing past all of humanity with the hopes of not being late to service. Many times I am so unfriendly, to my own family and friends I run into, because I am rushing!

This night was different. Because we were early, and walking at a normal pace, my son noticed and blurted out how the couple sitting on the bench were smoking cigarettes. I tried to "shhhh" him as we walked past them with hopes he wasn't embarrassing them or us. We have talked about smoking and how it is bad and hurtful to our bodies. In past we have prayed for those who smoke in hopes they stop.

As I entered the building and turned around to make sure we were all inside, I noticed my son lifting up a small prayer for those two. He prayed they wouldn't smoke anymore and for their bodies to be healthy. It was in that moment I realized.....he is listening. I was so blessed. He gets it. We pray for those struggling. Sometimes, as parents, we feel messages go in one ear ....and fly out the other. But moms....they are listening. They are watching. They will mimic how we choose to look at sin. They will pray for it if we choose to. 

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those have been trained by it. - Hebrews 12:11

Three lessons learned from my experience last night....
1. SLOOOOOOOOWWWWW down and take notice 
    of details & the people HE has placed around your family.
    ps. It's not all about you :) Keep your eyes open! You may 
         be surprised how HE uses you to bless someone you
         encounter along your path.

2. Get places early. It is a "whole new world." Breathe.
    Your time will be much more enjoyable. You will be 
     much more enjoyable to be around as well!! 
     Give yourself an extra 15 minutes...what a difference!

3.  Your kids are listening. Keep feeding them TRUTH 
      and they will grow fruit that pleases
      their heavenly Father and you too!!


  1. This is a great reminder Kate...It is worth it to slow down and listen to you!! You are doing a great job as a Mommy!! Love you friend

  2. Amen, Kate! Sometimes as moms we can get so discouraged bc we feel our kids are not listening, but they really are tuned in! The truth we plant in them grows, and they began to act on it as God molds His truth into their character. What a beautiful and sweet reminder!
