Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's A Jungle Out There!

For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? -Matt. 5:46 

This past week my husband and I were in Chicago visiting our daughter. She lives close to downtown. With that being the place where all the great restaurants are that's where we spent a good bit of time. We did a lot of walking in the city, and I wondered why I heard so many car horns from rude drivers. I observed these drivers couldn't sit still if it wasn't a red light. They raced from one red light to another. One cabbie would blast his horn to the driver in front of him knowing he couldn't move due to a pedestrian. I wondered how my driving measured in comparison.

Now even though I try to be a courteous driver, I find my heart is not always as tender as it should be. When I stop and let that pedestrian cross, I look and wait for my acknowledgement of thanks. What! No wave? Where is that person's manners?

Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil. - I Cor. 13:5 

We remember what one child asked his mother, "Mommy, why are all the idiots on the road when daddy's driving?"

So when that unexpected incident arises with another car, what's coming out of your mouth for your child to hear?

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