Saturday, July 28, 2012

"ME" Time - PART ONE - Getting Back to Who I Was!

I had a revelation, with my husband, the other night while reminiscing about the "old days." I realized many things I did when we first dated, and early in our marriage, I no longer did. Getting my hair done. Doing my toes each week before church. Watching what I eat. "What happened," my heart pondered as we continued to talk.


That's what happened! My focus was no longer myself, doing what pleased me, what I wanted, but on this little life I was entrusted with to raise up and train in the Lord. What a job! In acquiring this new job role I forgot about my old one...looking for ways to please & bless my husband. All of those things I did that made me feel "pretty" and what initially attracted my husband, in our dating days, to me.

*Side note* Sometimes our husbands get left on the back burner as we seek to please our children. Be careful! Remember you and your husband were a family first before having kids.*

How did it happen? Very gradually. After giving birth it's such a whirlwind! A few months later you are thrilled to get back to a normal schedule of brushing your teeth each day, and a shower thrown in there if you're lucky! And putting make-up on again was HUGE bonus for me! 

So how do we get back to that "sweet spot" of ....

wanting to look good for our husbands

wanting to exercise and eat right

wanting to get dressed up for "date night!"
*** If you have lacked in this area....get a sitter & head out for some fun time and much needed time to reconnect with your husband.

PRAY and ask the Lord where to start (daily quite time with HIM will help direct)
TALK to your husband and ask him how you can better serve him today
MAKE it happen....sit down and make a plan of how to achieve it
SHARE your "plan" with a friend who will hold you accountable

So after my conversation with my husband I realized it really doesn't take much to get up an extra half hour each day to go for a brisk walk. You will be surprised how your husband will fill in the gaps in order for you to go and be refreshed as you exercise.

Last week I ventured out, after my quiet time with Jesus, and was SO blessed as I went for my first walk through our neighborhood. I had my headphones on and was listening to worship as I praised Him for the creation I came across. I came back refreshed and wanting to do it more. My husband was blessed by my effort to please him, by putting exercise into my day, as well :) I can't wait for my next walk!

So, what is it for you? If you don't know, ask your husband what are the things he wishes you would do more often?

Then actively pursue them and seek to bless your husband by the simple little things that bring him joy! Make a goal that is ATTAINABLE and DOABLE! Then ask a  friend to hold you accountable and watch the transformation take place.

 A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid woman is cancer in the bones. - Proverbs 12:4 MSG

A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. - Proverbs 12:4 NIV 

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. - Proverbs 31:10 MSG

 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. - Proverbs 31:10 NIV


  1. Great Kate!!! I was recently at BBQ when a husband spoke of his wife. He expressed how much he loved that his wife would come home from work, shower and redo her make up just for him. Granted they were a little older and there children are adults, but the smile he wore while telling us, made it worth sharing!

  2. Love this post! You are so right! I think so many moms fall into this rut. I had an older mom admonish me in this way right after I had Mikey. I am so glad she did! She was right, and you are too! I am so glad you shared this truth in love!

  3. Such a great reminder Kate. Thanks for sharing. A wise friend told me, "Keep a make up bag in your car. When you are driving your kids to the park, toy store, school, etc. you have time to put on some make-up at red lights and stop signs." We can always find the time if we want to. If we struggle with waking up early, then use the first 15 min of our lil ones nap time (if the nap) to refresh ourselves. Or, 15-20 min. before our spouse comes home, put on a DVD as dinner is in the oven and put on some lip gloss, blush and eye shadow ( less than 5 min.). I know my hubby loves it when I smell nice when he comes home. It takes 2 min. to put on some nice perfume or lotion. Thanks so much Kate!
