Monday, July 23, 2012

THINK Before You Speak (Mocking/Joking/Judging)


This is the final week in the series of blogs on taming the tongue. I pray you have been challenged and edified through these blog posts as I have and find that you are THINKing before you speak and working to tame your tongue in the areas the Lord has revealed you need to work on.

I must confess the topic this week is an area that has always been a part of my life. I grew up in a family where every word we said was fair game and open to being mocked, joked about, or repeated over and over in a tone way more dramatic than how you actually said it. We loved to have a laugh at each others expense, and nobody was safe. It was all in good fun as kids, but as I grew older, I realized that there is a line, and it can be very easily crossed in the name of "good fun".

So, where exactly do we draw the line? Are jokes like, "The 80s called. They want their hair style back." okay? If someone speaks, dresses, or acts in a way that is over the top, can we have a slight chuckle at his/her expense? At what point is a harmless joke no longer harmless? It is so tough to determine whether our laughter will be at or with someone sometimes, and of course, we typically do not intend to wound with our jokes, but it can happen.

In our home, we laugh alot, and my husband and I will joke with each other at times, often laughing till we cry. We know our boundaries and enjoy those silly moments. What is not okay is the kind of ribbing and teasing that attacks or demeans. We aim to be a "laugh with or don't laugh at all" kind of family. What is acceptable in your home?

What about judging? It may not be a joke, but just a "can you believe she said/did that?" or "I can't believe she lets her kids watch that show. I would never let my kids watch that.". 
Here are some more questions and Scripture references to consider this week.

Do you see people's faults/mistakes/personality as humorous and feel that urge to joke/comment to another?
If that person doesn't hear, is it okay to have a chuckle at their expense?
Have you ever been overheard when you thought nobody was listening or overheard someone having a laugh at your expense?/How did that impact you?
How often do you find yourself judging another Christian and/or talking about them to a friend?

Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother, or judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it.
James 4:11 

The north wind brings forth rain, and a backbiting tongue, angry looks.
Proverbs 25:23

Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. 
Ephesians 5:4

Lord, please help me to enjoy laughter and humor within Your boundaries. May my joy never be at another's expense in a way that causes them hurt or embarrassment. Please help me to set these boundaries for myself and my children that we may please You with our words and with our laughter. Reveal to me any tendencies to have a mocking or judgmental spirit and replace them with a loving and humble heart. May my words build up and never tear down. Even if the person they are about does not hear, may I see the impact my words have on You and my relationship with You and others. Please refine me Lord in this area of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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