Saturday, July 21, 2012

All of Life is a Lesson to Learn

Lately I have noticed my oldest son struggling with making friends. We have a play date each Friday at  a local park and many times he starts out friendly only to end up frustrating kids. We went to a beach baptism this past weekend only to find this issue resurface as my son irritated boys digging a sand tunnel by trying to ruin their efforts. It can seem at times he doesn't know his boundaries with friends and honestly it has been hard for me to watch. I find myself frustrated trying to understand why and what to do.

So I decided that the subject of "friendship" would be our main focus with Bible stories and lessons over the next couple of weeks. Our family will focus on how to be a friend. What His word says on friendship. What we have learned from our playground experiences? What are those steps the Lord wants us to take to incur change in our life?

Any issue my family walks through, will be an opportunity to visit TRUTH and see how our Maker says to handle it. I want trials in our life to be stepping stones to a greater understanding of His word and how to look more and more like Jesus. I decided to Google "Bible Verses about Friendship for Kids" and here are a few I found....

There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 19:24

A friend loves at all times. - Proverbs 17:17

There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. - 
Proverbs 19:24NLT

 There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.. - 
John 15:13 NLT

What do you do when issues come up with your kids @ the playground? @ home?

Do we do follow up or is it just a time-out or a spanking?

Be sure you are explaining to your little ones HIS truth and why it is you are trying to correct his/her behavior :)

Find scripture to support you and shine light on the issue at hand :)

Maybe have them memorize that scripture for the week and then follow up and praise them for their progress!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kate that is such a great reminder and something we need to work more on!
