Wednesday, October 24, 2012

“Well” Watered?

If you think of a well to draw water from – it’s DEEP, it’s not so wide but concentrated in one direction to fulfill the purpose for which it was made.  Same with us.  We were made to be a well filled with water, living water, that should continually be drawn from and filled again…to overflowing.  Do you have the picture in your head of that well – bricks around the top and even a wooden roof was made atop (so no junk could fall in from the sky, if you know what I mean), and a watering bucket is hanging between the wooden posts with a rope to let down the bucket.

Bricks/foundation – God Almighty, sure foundation, solid rock (Psalm 62:2,6)

Roof – banner over us is love (Song of Solomon 2:4, Isaiah 18:3)

Junk – the world, sin (John 1:29, John 16:8, Exodus 9:27)

Bucket – our bodies, our offering, where the wellspring of life is (Proverbs 18:4, Romans 12:1)

Posts – our friends, accountability (Proverbs 12:26, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24)

Rope – prayer, lifeline, connection to God (1 Samuel 2:1, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6, James 5:16)

Does your well-water runneth over so others can be blessed or is it always running dry?  Does it “runneth” at all?  Do your kids know you read the Bible?  Do they see your lifeline in action?  Do they hear you talk to friends with encouraging words (or gossip stuff)?  They see how you dress, is it representing an offering to God, or an offering to the eyes of the world?  Does your roof leak the junk of the world in or is your home covered by the blood of Jesus, in love?  Is the foundation of your life built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ? 

Let’s pray:  Lord God, we are so grateful and thankful for giving us Your word, the Bible.  We can read it and ask You to fill us with Your living water of love, and the fruit of the spirit.  We receive your gift of love and act on it today.  May our eyes be open to the possibilities around us.  May we look for ways to pour Your love onto others today.  May we experience the joy of our salvation when we share the hope that is within us today.  We’re thankful that we can draw from You today.  Help us be concentrated in one direction to fulfill the purpose for which we were made.  Thank You, Lord.  In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful analogy Laura! Thank you for reminding us to cover ourselves from the cares of this world. Sometimes we so easily get entangled in them and forget who it is we are trying to please. Your blog was a sweet reminder that if we want to be that refreshing glass of cold water, to those in need, we must have certain things in place in order to be filled by His Spirit!
    Great job!!!
