Saturday, October 13, 2012

Obstacles are Opportunities

"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; 
in the morning I lay my requests before you 
and wait expectantly."
 - Psalm 5:3

The other day our sweet friend and fellow blogger, Teresa, welcomed a new baby girl into her family. Little Selah Grace was born on October 8th, weighing 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. What a blessing! Little Selah has two older brothers to cuddle and hang out with :) 

A few days ago this precious little one was scheduled for testing on her heart. They heard a possible murmur and wanted to be sure that all was ok. As this news came to Teresa two choices were placed before her..... either freak out or trust God. She chose the latter asking us all to pray over the situation and reminding us that we serve a mighty and faithful God! She was encouraging us while  walking through her trial!

Each day as moms, whether a new mom or seasoned, we are given obstacles that allow for opportunity for spiritual growth in our life. 

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Those moments, completely out of our hands, which draw us close to Christ and His strength. In humility we come seeking Him for wisdom and comfort that only Christ can give. This act causes a refreshment that is indescribable to those involved and watching.

"Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God.
 Give me relief from my distress;
 have mercy on me and hear my prayer."
 - Psalm 4:1

What is your "obstacle" today?

Will you allow it to be an opportunity to grow closer to Christ?

Do you freak out or trust God?

If we cling to Jesus... like Teresa, you can be used to encourage others even in the midst of your trial :)

Have you gotten alone with Christ today and sought His wisdom? 

Remember HE yearns to give peace and comfort in those trying times! He loves you so much! Seek Him!

*UPDATE* Since writing this little Selah's test results came back and she does have a small hole towards the bottom of her heart that is causing the murmur but the doctor  said it is harmless and she will live a "normal" life even if it never closes! PRAISE GOD!! 


  1. Praising God for new mercies everyday! Great post Kate :)

  2. Thank you for sharing my story, Kate! You are such a great encourager and sharer of God's truth! Thank you for your prayers and friendship!

  3. Congratulations on your sweet blessing, Teresa! I am encouraged and inspired by your faithfulness. Love little Selah Grace's name!

  4. Teresa,
    Our Jordan had a small hole in her heart when she was born and we have had to take her to the heart doctor, but even a year later they're pretty sure it has closed up and all is well. Dr said many babies are born with small holes that close with time. Isn't it awesome to know that we serve the God that has His hand on our little one's hearts, and HE is the one who fills the hole in all of our hearts! Love, Laura
