It’s funny how adding another child to the mix can speed
some things up, while slowing others things down. For example, I am now
changing the diapers of two kids instead of one, and at several times during
the day all three kids seem to need me at once. On the other hand, our outside activities
have slowed down a bit…or at least my involvement in them. The funniest thing
is that by slowing down, God has allowed me to reevaluate a few things in my
life. One huge thing became apparent to me:
I need to enjoy my kids more for who they are and not become
frustrated by what they are not. I need to enjoy them right now in the season
that they are in right now, because the truth is that they are not my own. They
are on loan to me from the Lord, and one day they will have families, careers,
and homes of their own. When they are in that season, I want to delight in the fact
that I had many wonderful years teaching, instructing, disciplining, and
enjoying them. I don’t want to have the heavy heart of a mom who dragged
herself through the day by day of life and forgot to have fun with her kids.
God is so good to not just remind me of the fact that I need
to enjoy my kids—even on the crazy days—but he has also been faithful to send
reinforcements my way through other blogs, Christian radio, the internet, and a
variety of other media sources. It’s like He doesn’t want me to miss it. For instance,
recently a friend sent me the blog article of another homeschool mom. As this
woman’s husband was walking out the door, he lovingly told his wife, “Honey, I
have prayed for your day with the kids. Remember to enjoy them today.” Another
blog written by our very own, very beautiful Joannie, reminded us to enjoy our
kids in her blog titled, “Let Them Eat Cake”.
As if all of this were not enough, I listened to a family
life blog about moms (a very good segment that I will blog about in more detail
later) that encouraged us as moms to stop competing with one another, stop
comparing our kids to other kids, and to love and enjoy them the way Jesus
encourages us to. Consider the following verse:
“The Lord your GOD is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he
will quiet you with his love, he will
rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
As a mom, I want to follow the example of our Heavenly Father;
I want to take delight in my children. I want to rejoice over them with
singing. This means that when my son wants to tell me some really long, dramatic,
youthful story about Spiderman, or centipedes, or airplanes, I need to intently
listen. You know what I mean…I need to do more than “act like I’m listening”. I
should actually listen and try to see things through his eyes and share his
excitement. If my younger son wants to play basketball on the patio, I need to
take a few minutes to enjoy that pastime with him. I need to enjoy every moment
of my precious newborn, because truthfully, I think she may be our last little
So moms, let’s enjoy the little personalities walking around
our homes. Let’s celebrate the unique person God has made them. Let’s love
them, guide them, pray for them, and enjoy them so that one day we can send
them out to be the men and women God has created them to be…knowing that we
enjoyed the process. J
Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father, Thank you that your word illuminates the
beauty of you rejoicing over us with singing. Thank you for the children you
have blessed us with. Thank you that your Word provides the ultimate guide for
how to live in a way that brings you honor and brings peace and joy to our
homes. I pray that we will imitate you in all things—help us to enjoy our kids
in whatever season we are in. Help us to rejoice over them with singing.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Challenge: How has God uniquely crafted your child(ren)?
Decide today to rejoice in their uniqueness and enjoy the personality God has
given them. Also, what activity or simple pastime can you enjoy with your
kid(s) that would really bring a smile to his or her heart?
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