Friday, March 8, 2013

The Canvas of Your Day

You are probably not aware that I graduated from college with a minor in art.  Please don’t be impressed; it was an easy way to finish up my education. I mean, I had an interest in art.  I liked fashion and home design, but I don’t have a thimble full of talent.  What I did gain from the minor in art was an appreciation for it.  As part of that minor, I was required to go every semester to Washington, DC for a day and spend it in The National Gallery of Art and or The Smithsonian Art Museums.
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                  A symphony is going to take up to 40 minutes of your time; a film two hours; a play perhaps there or four hours.  There are varying amount of time one may look at a piece of art, but a recent survey where the famous Mona Lisa was exhibited the onlookers average time was 14 seconds!
         As I strolled the halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York a year and a half ago, I observed people who took more time to snap a picture on their portable phones, then they actually spent to look at the paintings or works of art.
         So why bring up Museum “lookers?” I have thought that sometimes as we mother our children, we don’t take time to enjoy the beautiful brush strokes and glorious colors and light the Lord gives us on the canvas of each day.  As you face this new day, stand long enough, listen intently enough, and move slow enough to enjoy your children.  Whatever stage they are at, stop what you are doing and “join them” in their world. 
         As Moms, my challenge is based on the age of your child.  For the Moms with the youngest of babes, sit and rock and sing with your baby.  For those with preschoolers, build towers and knock them down, have a snack with them.  If you have elementary students, walk with them to the park or go get them a favorite treat. If they are middle school or older, do the unexpected. 
         Girls, we are in the process of touring our own personal museums.  Our children are given as blessings.  Enjoy the canvas of this day!
Psalm 27: 4  
"One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I SEEK; that I ma dwell in the house of the LORD all thd days of my life, to GAZE on the beauty on the LORD and to SEEK HIM in His temple."

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