I remember the 'Gifted' program from when I was a child in school. Being 'gifted' seperated you from the rest of the children, your work was different and more was expected from you.
We are all gifted with spiritual gifts. In using our gifts, we should be seperated from the rest (the world), our work (mission/ministry) is different and we are expected to be and make disciples.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:19
What better place to start building disciples, than in our own homes with our own children? As moms, we should be identifying spiritual gifts in our children and encouraging them to use them.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." - 1 Corinthisans 12:4
Disciples are not just believers or followers of Jesus. Disciples dwell with and imitate the life of Jesus .When someone encounters a disciple they should encounter Jesus... dwelling within us. They should see Jesus in our actions, our persona and in the way we use our gifts.
Challenge: Identify at least one spiritual gift in your child/children today. Teach them how this is a gift from God and encourage them to use it today. What are spiritual gifts? How can you use yours today?
Good post, Valencia! Thank you for pointing this out!