Friday, March 22, 2013

Dress shopping...Perseverance or Compromise?

         This weeks parenting dilemma was the temptation to compromise.  Our youngest will be going into high school in the fall.  Apparently the new wave of activity for an eighth grader is a foreshadowing of their senior year in high school. 
         Our daughter is in need of an entire new wardrobe to have her ready for all the upcoming activities.  Specifically dresses.  You may not be experiencing dress shopping with your teenage daughter, but if you are, you are aware that the style has returned to “short.”  By our standards this “new short” is “too short.”
         I have spent the last week shopping alone.  I was buying dresses each day and then having our daughter try them on.  I have returned every dress I thought would look perfect on our daughter. This all culminated by finally taking her shopping to make the selection herself.
         At the third store, our daughter was absolutely done with not finding a dress she liked or with me telling her the dresses were too short.  I too, was so done with being the "stick in the mud." I felt very tempted to just “give in.”  It seemed impossible to find a dress that she liked that met our standard of acceptable.
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         As the breaking point approached, our daughter “ran into” one of her newest friends and her mom.  What a relief to see they too where struggling over the same dilemma!  The relief wasn’t that they were struggling, but rather this was not unique to us.
         It was a blessing to watch the girls encourage one another to find the appropriate, modest AND “cool” dresses.  As we prayed on the way to school this morning, I thanked the Lord for directing us to the dress He knew our daughter would wear today.  I thanked Him I hadn’t given in or given up in our search for the right choice.
         Too often it is easier to give in to our kids wants.  It is easier to compromise than to persevere. 

Be conscientious about how you live and what you teach. Persevere in this, because by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you. I Timothy 4:16 NET
Father, Thank you that you care about our decisions. Please be with each mom who will read this blog.  Help them not to grow weary while doing good. Help them as they parent each of their children.  Help them not to give up.  Help them to follow you and direct their children to follow you too! Give us the strength and wisdom to choose perseverance over compromise.  In the sweet name of our Lord Jesus, amen.

1 comment:

  1. Today its not a dress, but many other decisions!! Very encouraging!! Thank you Joannie!! xoxo
