Friday, March 15, 2013

Regret Free Education

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         It’s the time of year when we start evaluating the school options for our children’s education.  I’ve always said I wish I were the type of mom who could enroll her child in public school when they were entering kindergarten and never think twice about it until they have graduated.
         The education piece in our parenting has lead to MANY discussions, much prayer and a lot of indecision over the years.  After more than 16 years of education decisions for our children (which included: Christian, public and homeschool), I can say I am very glad we did home educate our children.  
I do NOT regret the years we chose to homeschool our children.  I will adamantly say home education is NOT for everyone, but for our family, it occasionally was.
         A simple list should suffice why Home schooling worked for our family.
1.    We loved being able to spend quantity and quality time with our children.
2.    We are always more intentional about educational opportunities when we see ourselves as both parent and teacher.
3.    Because I am not always at “my best,” the more time I spent with our children, the more likely they will eventually see “my best.”
4.    We were able to travel and still consider the time a day of school.
5.    We could be selective about who our children spent their time with.
6.    Our children were forced to be best friends.
7.    I was able to watch our children learn to read, do math and fall in love with History.
8.    Bible “class” was a practical application of what we were reading and learning about
9.    Their classes were chosen and taught based on their interests and abilities.
And finally,
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10. I will never regret the hours I had with our children, rather than hours they would have spent with teachers in a traditional school setting.
I know many of you are evaluating what kind of education you will offer your children in the coming school year.  Evaluation is a reflection you have great concern for the well being on your child.
     Don’t feel like you have to make the same decision for your children that your friends are making for theirs.  Ask the Lord to give you discernment and direction.  He may direct you to the neighborhood public school or your church’s Christian school.  Should He lead you to home educate your child, He will teach through you, and you will never regret the time with your child.
     Trust Him in this parenting piece.  The Lord Jesus cares about our children far more than we do.  As we trust HIM, we have no regrets!
Proverbs 27: 23  
"Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds."

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Joannie!!! Thank you for the encouragment! I homeschool as well,and it is good to be reminded of the reasons why. It is also good for me to remember that God has a special plan for each family, and that plan may be different from the one God has for my family. Great job, Momma! :)
