Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Priorities Part 6: Dear Friends!

1) God
2) Husband
3) Children/Immediate Family
4) Service
5) Work/Home
6) Friends
7) Rest/Refreshment

Writer's block!  Can any of you relate?  Wow, this is my first real experience with it since joining the blog team, so I thought I would be real here and share it with you!  God graciously gave me the structure of a series on priorities and He has provided a relevant sub-topic each month that I could authentically relate to and communicate.  After much prayer and blog surfing, I have come up empty!

But we're never empty when we're in Him, right?  We can always go to the well and share what God is teaching us, on a variety of topics and relationships.  Here are just a few things God is teaching me about friends, friendship and how to prioritize these precious gifts, without making them our first priority or putting them before our God, husband or families:

1)  Friends are a gift from God.  We were designed by Him to do life with others, just as Jesus did.  Friends encourage, challenge and grow us. Almost three years ago now, I joined my first bible study and have continued doing studies with these women ever since.  How the Lord has used them to grow me!  I am so humbled to study and do life with these Godly women.  I had prayed for Christian friends and, as He so often does, He gave me so much more than I had asked for, hoped for or imagined.  Do you have a group of Christian girlfriends who encourage, challenge and support your walk with Christ?  If not, as Kate said in an earlier blog, pray and God will provide! If so, thank Him for them!  They are in your life because He chose them for you and you for them. 

2)  Much as we love them, they are not our first priority.  This is a hard truth.  We love our friends!  We love them so much, sometimes we move them to the very top of our priority list, yes, dare I say it, even ahead of God.  Ever called a friend about a problem before you had taken it to the Lord?  Me, too.  While God does use our friends to share a good, needed word with us, He still wants to be our first go to.  Do you make more plans with friends than your husband would like?  I once read that if you are out more than two nights a week, even if it's for bible study, service opportunities, coffee with Christian friends, etc., it's too much.  I try to keep that in mind when I schedule time with friends.  You know the saying, "You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends?"  Well, there's some truth to that!   But true friends in Christ will understand when we say have to say no because we are needed at home. 

3) So, how do we prioritize time with friends and invest in these relationships without taking away from our other priorities?  Here are 10 quick, practical suggestions from a few wise friends of mine:
  1. Pray about joining or even leading a bible study if you are not in one right now. What an awesome way to spend time with our Lord and our girls at the same time!
  2. Consider a morning ladies' bible study, instead of an evening one.  Many churches offer child care and then you're not away from your family at night. (Note: This is just a suggestion.  Oh, how I know the value of a weekly night out with the ladies and our Lord!)
  3. Bible study date night!  Give the husbands a chance to get to know each other if they don't already.  Give your friends a chance to get to know your husband.  Even if everyone knows each other well, it's still a great time!
  4. Weekly or monthly play dates are a great way to see your friends without taking time away from your husband or your children.  It's also a great opportunity for your children to see that you value your friendships and for them to form their own friendships.  Include the husbands sometimes!
  5. Start a prayer rotation.  Pick a day and time each week where a group of women take turns praying for one another.
  6. Read this blog! 
  7. Send a text when you and the kids, or even the whole family, plan to do something fun and invite others to join you.  Don't hesitate because it's short notice - if people are busy, they'll let you know!
  8. Invite your friends to join you for church.  Easter is just around the corner! Celebrate our risen Lord together!
  9. Give a call, send a text or even a card to let your friends know they are an answered prayer in your life.
  10. Host a friends and family pot bless at your home on a regular basis that works for your family.  Maybe quarterly?


  1. Thanks for the reminder my friend! I know I can certainly use guidelines while making my schedule, thanks!:)

  2. Great tips, Ingrid!!! Very practical and useful info...thank you for sharing!!! :)

  3. Loved it Ingrid! Can't see any writer's block here ;) love ya!
