Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Warriors in Battle

There is a sacred time during the day at our house – naptime!!   Usually during this quiet time I read a portion from my devotional book and Scripture, I meditate on what I’ve read and journal.  This is also a great time to fold clothes, sweep the floor, mop up all that sticky stuff & junk under the kids’ chairs at the table, dust (only because others can see it), make the bed, do stuff on the computer, and so on.  But wait – there’s more…SLEEP (oh blessed sleep).  Some days I have to literally stand up to get through my devotional and Bible reading!   I want to spend time with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords yet I am still in my flesh and it is a battle nonetheless.

The battle: Spending time with the Lord vs. doing other things.

The weapon: Prayer and Bible reading.

When you set your mind on things above, you’ll want to stay there! (from Colossians 3:2)

One of the times I fought the battle and stayed/prayed up, I began to think of what I could do better with the time God has me here on earth.   After all, our life is like a vapor… (from James 4:14).  I started reading 1 Samuel 15:22, Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”  

Don’t we DRILL this into our kids’ heads – obey…  “Listen and obey”.  I love the song they sing at my son’s preschool, “O-B-E-Y, obey your mom and dad.”  LOVE IT!!  How about for us, “O-B-E-Y, obey your Father in Heaven.” 

If you have this kind of battle, put down the mop, stay awake and choose to be a warrior in the battle.  Obey what God wants to impart to you today.  It might be what makes the difference for your life.

Lord Jesus, we pray for all the mommas reading this.  Thank You for the time You give us to spend time with You daily.  It is truly a sacred, holy and blessed time.  We ask that you help us to ask, seek, listen, and obey.   We look forward to what You will speak into our lives today!  In the everlasting name of Jesus.  Amen.

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