Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mommy Friends

Do not let any unwholesome talk 
come out of your mouths, 
but only what is helpful 
for building others up 
according to their needs, 
that it may benefit 
those who listen.
- Ephesians 4:29

This week definitely had some great highs and some crazy lows. We traveled over to my moms house, on the other coast, for a small baby shower my mom and sister were throwing me. It was wonderful! It was a 5 day vacation that was filled with many sweet memories.

But if you have ever traveled ALONE with your kids, you know it is so exhausting and at times stressful. I was reminded how the single moms do it day-in and day-out without help. 

Yesterday had been a full day with attending a sweet birthday party for my son's friend, long 2 hour road trip back home, and two boys who were very tired.

As I got into town a sweet friend of mine called just to encourage me. She reminded me that I was the "perfect" mom for my boys and how God has great things in store for my struggling kids. What a cold glass of water that was to my dry and weary soul. I know the Lord had her call me to lift up my head. 

Our words have so much power not only to our kids but also with those the Lord places around us. When you feel the prompting of His Spirit to call another mom and edify them - do it- and watch how Christ will use your heart to do a work in that mom. 

Look for ways to encourage that tired and weary mommy today. Do you have a friend in need of a "cold glass of water?" Write a quick note or text. Call and leave them a message. Email and uplift. Be a vessel in the hands of the Lord today. 

So grateful my friend used her words to give me life. She pushed pause on her busy and full day to seek me out. If you are in need of "Mommy" friends to encourage you through this season....pray....HE hears and will provide. 

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