Saturday, January 21, 2012

She Provides Food for Her Family!

She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.  -Proverbs 31:15

Most of us as we read the above verse we think of physical food that she is providing for her family & others serving her family. But what about the spiritual food she is digesting and giving out to those under her roof. I LOVE sleep. I stay up late and get up early and I definitely need more of it. For the longest time I have felt the nudge from the Lord to get up early for morning devotions but have continually put it off until recently. I have come to love my morning time with the Lord. He shows me such good nuggets of wisdom as I get refreshed and ready to head out with my marching orders for the day. It is such a small deposit with such great dividends. I want to be a wise mom and have kindness on my tongue as I instruct (Prov. 31:26). How can I expect to be "trained" by the master unless I am willing to sacrifice something to get there.

I wrote the above journal entry a few weeks ago.

The paragraph that follows is an entry from today. Very different!!

This past week has been rough with my boys. I have felt like the boys have really struggled with listening and I have been so frustrated to the point of crying many times. I have felt down-trodden and questioned myself. When I re-read the above paragraph I know immediately why. One reason. I have not gotten up to do my devotions as I was doing in weeks prior. Oh yes I have still squeezed in my Bible reading while busily trying to prepare for the day (making breakfast, in between play times with the kids, ect) and I have noticed a common denominator.....the more time in the morning I spend with Him, in prayer and reading the Word, the better I reflected Jesus throughout my day. To everyone. To my husband. To my children.  To my friend who calls. To my cashier at the store. I have something of worth to give them. His truth and His love.

I need to be intentional (my word for 2012) with my devotion time. I need to plan better. I need to go to sleep earlier if I want to have an early coffee date with my Jesus before it's light outside :)

What does your devotion time look like for you these days as a mom?

Do you wish you had a more consistent devotion life?

What are some practical things you can put into place to achieve that?

Have someone to hold you accountable? If not, pray that Jesus brings you a friend who will.

Are you in a busy season with sleepless nights, infants or nursing babies? A great suggestion was made recently at a Bible study.... to read Bible baby board books to your little one and watch how the Lord uses it to teach you as well.

These two journal entries are written very differently. The first had plenty of time carved out for the ONE who gives peace, joy, fulfillment and truth. The last one tried to rely on her own strength and realized no fruit comes from that. Only heartache and frustration.

What kind of week will you have?

"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him."- Matthew 12:35


  1. This was so good for me to read, Kate. I have felt very much like your second entry lately--questioning myself and the way I discipline...b/c I'm trying to squeeze in a few minutes here and there and I'm not getting real alone time with HIM. And it affects every relationship. Thanks for the great reminder!

  2. What a great reminder Kate thank you. I think this is a common struggle. We can all use a little nudge now and then to get us back on track.

  3. Thanks Kate, definitely a great reminder. I totally feel the same way...
