Friday, November 15, 2013

Conference "Cliff Notes"

I’m guilty!  In high school I did.  I used them.  But hey it worked, right?  What is it that I used…Cliff Notes.  I think they still make these condensed acceptable overviews of novels.  These slender little books would summarize a piece of literature, listing characters, plots, and story lines to make it unnecessary to read the book or novel.
Google Image

This week I was delighted to hear Andy Stanley.  He is the pastor of North Point Church in Atlanta.  I attended the leadership conference he and Craig Groseschel founded called “Catalyst.”

I would not have expected at a leadership conference the opening session would be called “Family Matters."  The material presented by Andy Stanley is from his book, When Work and Home Collide.

Assuming you didn’t get to hear his talk on “Family Matters” here are my “Cliff Notes.” 

Craig Groseschel and Andy Stanley 
Andy entitled this session, “Six Things I’ve Learned from Family and Ministry.” 

1.  Decide once and for all whose responsibility it is to build the church!  (His name is Jesus!)

2.  Don’t give up what is unique to you.  Andy pointed out that, I am the only “Momma” my kids will ever have.  My favorite quote in this section was, “Your greatest contribution to the church may not be something you do, but someone you raise.”

3.  Discipline with the goal of preserving your relationship, not your reputation.  Andy asked, “When your kid is in the ballgame are you more concerned about his/her first name or their last?”

4.  Pray together at every stage – figure out a way to make this happen.

5.  Prioritize your marriage.  It is as important to have dates on your calendar, not just love in your heart.  Your spouse and children can’t see in your heart, but they see your calendar.

6.  Say no for now but not forever.  Whatever you have to say no to will be worth it in the future.

My challenge this week is for you to take one of these “cliff notes” and live it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Joannie for sharing. Great points that I hope to always remember and practice. Number 2 spoke directly to my heart. :).
