Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Little Break

Aagghh. A relief. A break. A refresher.  An eye-opening experience. What a difference. What's the change? My mom took one of my boys for the weekend. What a gift. For me. For the kids. 

It allows my son, who's gone for the weekend, a freedom from sibling rivalry with a chance to be the "only" at Mimi's house. A special time to make memories... he will cherish forever. Going out for breakfast and shopping for a special little something are always on the schedule. 

And it gives way for me to spend some quality time with my other son. Something he craves and asks for often. Letting him choose our activities and tucking away a few special stops in our time are a must. Some special attention that's usually divided :) It opens my eyes to the awesome characteristics, placed within my child, that so often gets overlooked in the crazy of my day.

So grateful for my mom's heart to serve in this way. She sensed my need for relief after an emotionally exhausting week, as I mothered my three. What a sacrifice of her weekend, but I am so grateful she did. 

I totally need to do this more often. How refreshing for all of us. Can't wait to do this with my other son too! Can't wait to find a mom that I can refresh, and watch her kids as well!

When was the last time you had some one-on-one time with your child?

Plan some time in the next week to make a memory with your kiddo.

1 comment:

  1. We actually put our oldest in preschool for a few months (just 2 days a week) so I could connect with our youngest. It was worth it for us all.
