Friday, May 18, 2012

The Harvest

image found: jose villa

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38
What is the Lord asking you to do for His Kingdom today? Where is he asking you to go?
Whatever it is, say yes.

The above is stolen from another blog to which I will give credit later.  But for now…the reality of those words.

What is God asking me to do?  I’m in a season of search.  I have a stirring in my heart.  Not, “leave,” but… “is there more?” “What should I do?” “Where should I go?”  “Is it a family commitment?” or a “Mom change?” or a “Friend change?” or a “Me change?”

I’m thinking it’s the later.  I have been enjoying a study on Nehemiah for the last month.  Each day I’ve invested in study, I flip back to Nehemiah’s call to rebuild the wall.  God put the call in Nehemiah’s heart.  Nehemiah took the call to prayer asking for God’s clarification.

I can live in the “then and there” or the “here and now.”  While I wait for the clarity of “the call,” I need to do what I know needs to be done.  The “here and now” are our families.  Specifically as moms, our husbands and our children.  How can we as a family join hands and go into the harvest field?  Whether it is to join your church on an outreach, write letters to prisoners, or pray for missionaries, “whatever it is, say yes!”

Oh, and the blog I stole from…our oldest daughter…

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