Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Little Eyes

A while back, Kate shared a story with us of a child who had wanted to leave his mom a special note. He thought about where he could leave this note where his mother would be sure to find it that day. He chose to leave it in her Bible, certain that his mom would be reading it that day and would be surprised and blessed to find his gift to her.

If your child wanted to do the same, where would he/she leave that special gift? Would it be by the television remote? Perhaps in the laundry basket (goodness, doesn't it feel like it is a never ending process)? Maybe in a cigarette package or tucked inside your i-pad or laptop? What is that one place or item you go to every day, several times a day?

The question posed really weighed on my mind. What do my kids see as important to my daily life? I read Scripture several times a day, but rarely from an actual book. I read daily blogs and an e-mailed daily devotion on my computer in the morning, and at night my husband and I do a couples devotion on the Kindle once the kids are down. Just before bed, I do a Scripture study on the Bible app on our i-pad. In this age of technology, my kids do not know the difference between me reading the Bible or checking e-mail. Little eyes are watching, studying. I am making it a point to let them know that Mommy's technology time is actually reading the Bible and talking to God. I am also trying to pick up my hard copy of The Word more often.

Since making this change, I have been blessed to see the fruit! Last week I had a rare moment to have some quiet reading time while the girls napped. My 3 year old woke up and found me reading and asked if she could "read the Bible with Mama". What a special moment! Though I was reading a Christian novel and not the Bible, she still knew that was Mommy's book of choice. 

As we reflect on this question today, let's look at how we can be intentional about what our children see as important to us.  Let that special place/object that Mommy frequents be one that honors and reflects the Living God and His importance in our daily lives.

Father, today I seek your help in being intentional about what my children see as important to me. Please forgive me for the things I have set before You as idols in my life that have not set a good example for little eyes. Please give me a heart after Yours and a love for what You love. When my children reflect on what is important to me, may it be Your Word, Your will, and Your ways. Please continue the work You started in me and see it through to completion as You promise in Your Word. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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