Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sweet Return

The last three days have been a little difficult in our house while we've watched from inside the falling raindrops day after day.  There have been more arguments between the boys, more whining, more outbursts and more time outs.  Griffin, who is three, has had unusually feisty behavior which has made me wonder if it's an age thing, a growing personality trait or just being stuck inside.  I've prayed for patience, but I have to admit there has been more frustration and yelling on my end in an attempt to stop the madness.

After sharing this with my husband and realizing that it was my night to put the boys to bed, I dragged myself up the stairs to make sure teeth got brushed and everyone went potty before they laid down to bed.  As Griffin argued with me about which stuffed animal went where, I again prayed for patience just to get through our nighttime routine.  Where had my sweet little boy gone these last few days? 

After we prayed our bedtime prayer, Cooper asked if I'd scratch his back like I usually do.  But I told him no, I was too tired tonight.  Could we just please close our eyes and go to sleep.  I don't know why or what happened next, but it was like both boys heard something in my voice and instantly came closer to me.  Cooper's little hand started scratching my back as I was laying on my side and Griffin tickled my arm the way he asks to be tickled.  He even sat up in bed and handed me his beloved blankie (which has never happened) and said, "Here, mommy."  It's like something, for a second, clicked and I had the warm little boys back that I have always known.  What a treasure.

That must be how God feels when we stray away from the eternal and into our own little worlds that don't include Him.  How He must long for us to set our childish ways aside and just rest in Him, praise Him, love Him.  I got a taste of that it feels to have your child's heart bend for something more than themselves.  And it is such a relief and comfort when that happens.  Is your heart still tender for the Lord as you want your child's heart to be for you? 

Dear Lord,
I am so worn down some days and time gets away.  I'm afraid I haven't been very tenderhearted toward You because of this.  But I got a true picture tonight of how it feels to be on the verge of defeat and then to have your child come around and "get it".  Please help me to "get it" more often and to have a heart for You.  There will be days of more whining and blaming and being selfish.  I just pray that you help me to keep my eyes on what is most important--my relationship with You.  I praise You for your grace day after day.
In Your Name,

Matthew 18: 12-14
"What do you think?  If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?  And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.  In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost."


  1. Thank you Tracey that was so sweet. I treasure those moments and cling to them as they are few are far between. I am thankful God gives us those glimpses so that we can see, just as you pointed out, how closely our relationship with our children resembles our relationship with our Father... Thanks! xoxo
