Thursday, May 10, 2012

Waiting - Turn Your Eyes on Him

My family is on a journey, one together, where we are all affected in similar ways and in different ways. It is one of life’s unexpected journeys paved with hurt, tears, and disappointment but also with love and hope. I am not writing today to spill all the gory details of our family mess because it is not all mine to share. What I do want to share is that there is mess and that our family is bathed in prayer by so many loved ones that we will come out on the other side blessed, restored and whole. But the other side is still some time away.

On this journey there is what seems to be an endless season of waiting and I am honestly not a very good waiter. Oh, friend, God is teaching me to wait. He is teaching me to trust in Him more deeply than ever in all my life. He is teaching me to hope.

“What God does in us while we wait is as important as what we’re waiting for.” (John Ortberg – Waiting on God)

These seasons of waiting can be very hard on a family. As a mom I am constantly getting asked questions that I cannot answer. Questions that I myself am asking God and have been told “wait patiently my child.” So I have been left with the challenge of explaining to my young children, who have a deep need for security, that we have to wait patiently and that mommy does not have all the answers.

This is a mighty challenge but God has been sure not to leave me ill equipped. I may not have all the answers to their questions of how long, how come, or why. But I do have the answers that will bring real comfort. The answers to who is in control, where we will get our strength, and who will take care of us. I need to simply take the focus off myself and help my little ones to turn their eyes upon their Heavenly Father, whose love for them knows no bounds.

“I remember the days of long ago, I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirst for you like a parched land.” Psalm143:5-6

I do this by reminding them of all the great things that our Heavenly Father has done in and for our family, whether big or small. We also revisit the great stories of what God has done in other lives, in the Bible and of those that we know now. Great comfort and encouragement can be given and received while meditating on all God’s works and considering what His hands have done.

I urge you to start this with your children. I cannot put into words the comfort my children and I have received from talking about the mighty things God has done. There have been nights when one or all of my children have been very sad. We pray together and talk about who God is and what He has done. Their tears stop, they have peace, and can rest. A blessing that has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the awesomeness of our mighty God. It is a peace that comes when their eyes have been set on their Heavenly Father.

This won’t be the last you hear of all I have learned and am learning in my season of waiting. There is too much for one blog post. But know this... God is good. When the weight of life seems too much to bear, it is too much and you were never intended to carry it on your own. God loves you. Turn your eyes on Him and remember all He has done.


  1. Beautifully written Courtney. We look forward to seeing you on the other side of your journey and will be praying for your family along the way... xoxo

  2. It is an honor to pray for you! Thank you for being transparent and honest.

  3. Love you Courtney! You are an incredible example of a surrendered life...very beautiful!
