Friday, December 21, 2012

My "Star" on "THE Star"

I couldn't resist posting from my daughter's blog from her December 17, 2012 entry.

You can read her complete blog and watch the YouTube at;
 (She's right, you want want to miss it!)

                                                Welcome MY Star...Michelle!

I’ve watched the video The Christmas Story on YouTube probably 100 times this holiday season. I’ve shown it to all of my classes at least once (some twice). It’s not a new video, in fact I probably watched it the same number of times last year.

There’s something about this video that just gets me. Maybe it’s because it looks like it was produced by the same crew that created the movie Where the Wild Things Are . Or maybe it’s because I cry almost every time I hear the little girl say “They called the baby Jesus, and they loved him.” Either way, it’s the best thing YouTube has to offer.

When I was a little girl every time I watched the Christmas Story being acted out at church, or on tv, or in a movie, I always thought to myself ”if I were in this, who would I be?”. I had blonde curly hair and blue eyes as a child so a couple of times I got be be an angel. I frequently wanted to be Mary, but that never happened (that I can remember).

Now I’m grown up and still asking myself the same question. (It’s silly, I know.) In this video the answer is easy, I want to be the Star. For awhile I wanted to be the star simply because I thought the costume was amazing. Nothing beats throwing on a glittery, fuzzy, star costume over white leggings. I love how the little girl who plays the star in the video hops all over the screen and waves her hands from inside the star costume.

Last week as I was showing the video to one of my elementary classes I broke down and told the kids I wanted to be the Star.

And then it hit me.

The Star is the one who goes throughout the entire video beckoning people to come see the baby Jesus. The Star goes out and gets the shepherds and the wise men and brings them to Jesus.

So I’ll say it again. I want to be the Star, now more than ever.
I want to go out and get people and bring them to Jesus.

Just like the Star does.

             Matthew 2: 9 - 11 " ...They went on their way, and the star they had seen in the East went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they          bowed down and worshiped him."

Challenge:  Watch this video with your children and talk with them how they can "be the star" in their everyday lives.  

Merry Christmas to all you Stars!

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