Monday, December 10, 2012

Not My Own

Perfect love casts out all fear.” I John 4:18

It’s been a busy time of year in my household…not because of all the holidays (Thanksgiving & Christmas). It has been busy at our house for a whole hosts of reasons, but mainly because we have a new baby and shortly afterwards everyone in our house caught a bug…including the baby. L My heart was racing: I was nervous. I was anxious. I was exhausted. I needed the Lord’s peace, but my mind constantly drew up “worst case scenarios” of what could happen to my precious baby girl. Was it RSV? Was it whooping cough? When would the fever stop playing hide-and-seek with me?...gone one hour and back the next.

During that time my heart and mind kept crying out to the Lord. Was MY baby girl going to be OK? I was so consumed with love for her…as I always am when the Lord blesses us with a new little one. I couldn’t possibly think of losing her…not now! As I wrestled with my emotions, I felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack (the first one of my life). I was being crippled by fear.

But then God spoke to me in His still, small voice. He reminded me that I needed to let go because she was HIS first, and mine second. She was on loan to me. He has perfect plans for her life (Jeremiah 29:11). Even more than that, HE has perfect love for me and my children. His word declares that, “perfect love casts out all fear.” I was so relieved…and mobilized when this truth made its way from my mind to my heart (I must note that it took me a little while).

Our children are on loan to us. They are the Lord’s first. As much as we love them, he loves them more. If you did not have a chance to check out this past Thursday’s blog by Courtney, I would encourage you to do so. Our God is faithful. He healed our baby girl, but even more than that, he gave me peace and taught me a valuable lesson that day: I need to let go, trust him, and embrace his peace.

Challenge: Have you surrendered your children to the Lord? Are you willing to give your “most valuable possession” back to Him?


Heavenly Father,

Your word declares that your love for us is perfect. Please calm the restlessness of our hearts, and help us to trust you with all things…especially the ones we value the most.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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