Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Why Me, God?" PART #1

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! -Isaiah 26:3

A few weeks ago I overheard someone mention how they thought their child may have a learning disability. I decided to do some internet research of my own on a "disability" I thought my own child might have. As I began to dig I found information confirming behaviors and learning habits I had noticed over the past couple of years. I read and cried as it seemed to confirm that something was in deed different with my little guy. My heart broke and yet I know somewhere in the midst of it all... God had this planned in order to do a work in me, as I walk this new "bend" in my path.

Nothing has been medically "diagnosed" but I plan to have some tests done in future months. Over the past couple of weeks I have wondered, "Why me, God?" while continuing to trust in His sovereign plan for my life. My family serves in full-time ministry and loves Jesus with our whole heart, and my finite mind can't comprehend all He is doing. But the Bible reminds me of these truths, to stand firm on, as I deal with my trial...

1. Consider it pure joy
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. - James 1:2-3

2. Character develops 
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  - James 1:4

3. Causes me to seek HIS wisdom
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. -James 1:5

 I think sometimes we can feel sorry for ourselves for the "lot" we have been given and forget there is a growing process in any trial or struggle we face. It's easy to look around and see others who seemingly have lives without any struggles and wish we were them.  Many times our eyes focus here on earth instead of heaven where our home is.

As the "thorn in our side" continues to irritate or frustrate us...remember this causes us to call on the Great Physician even more for daily help. For healing. For hope. For encouragement. For the wisdom only He knows. 

One of my favorite Christmas gifts I received was Meredith Andrew's CD, that has so ministered to my heart and lifted my head toward Jesus for strength. In "All Will Fade Away" she sings of how this life will all fade away, we are strangers here, and reminds us that one day we will see Him face to face. This week I needed that. Truth. Song. Encouragement that this in not my home and that one day... all confusion will make sense
... and peace will be eternal. I can't wait for heaven :) How about you?

What lie is satan whispering in your ear today?

Remember that your home is in heaven!

Reach out to a friend...ask for prayer for your difficult child.

Read His Word and be renewed by Truth.

Ask the Lord to help you see your child as HE does.

If you need to be refreshed click the link, and be reminded this is not our home and how our future is secure!

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