Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I read David Wilkerson's daily devotions.  He was a man who exemplified a life of loving God and loving others.  If you are not familiar with David Wilkerson and his ministry I highly suggest his autobiography "The Cross and the Switchblade".  You can find it in a small paperback; a must read or re-read.  He was killed two years ago in a tragic car accident but his son Gary keeps David's devotions and reflections going.  Below is a recent devotion by Gary.  As I read it I thought of all of us mom's at Parakaleo and had to share it.  As Christian moms we desire to raise spiritual champions. Children who run the race with endurance fueled by the realization that it's not what we sacrifice but the sacrifice Jesus already made.  Jesus lavished us with the gift of his life. We get Him, we are the one who benefits. When we and our children realize the truth of that, then we will desire more of Him and less of ourselves. That's my prayer for all of our children.   Keep feeding them Truth and watch them run! Glory to God!  Be encouraged as you read below.


by Gary Wilkerson

My father, David Wilkerson, taught me a lesson when I was a little boy and I believe it is the most important lesson I have ever learned. “Gary,” he said, “you can have as much of Jesus as you want.” 

Every one of you reading this article can have as much of Jesus as you want! God does not just randomly say, “I’m picking you and not you.” “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied (filled)” (Matthew 5:6, ESV). This verse is speaking of the man or woman who says, “I want all that Jesus has to offer. I am going to be ravenous in my spiritual hunger to get everything He has to give.” 

The Bible says that God is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His that He might show Himself strong. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9, NKJV). 

God does not want 10 percent or 75 percent of His church to be consecrated, to live a set-apart, sacred life. He wants 100 percent of His body, His believers, to be sold out wholeheartedly. It is not God who is holding back the anointing of His Spirit, it is our lack of response to what He is pouring out. 

God has rent the heavens and come down and manifest His Holy Spirit in these last days. The man or woman who responds to what God is willing to give will rise up and say, “In this last hour I choose to be filled with God’s Spirit. I choose to live a consecrated life. I will not be dissuaded from this; I will not be held back. Nothing can keep me from the destiny that God has for me of being on fire for Him, totally filled with His Spirit.”

 Merry Christmas! We get JESUS! As much as we want! Isn't that incredible? As we realize this we will never be disappointed at Christmas time or any other time of year.  
Jesus: The Best Gift Ever!

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