Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trashcan Ninjas

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I had a great walk with my kids the other day.  We went our usual route.  The kids were on their bikes and I was walking or running when the urge hit me.  We were in front of a house where there is usually an older couple sitting out on their front porch, but they were not there that day.  My older son had asked me if he could do something and I honestly do not remember what it was but I do remember that I told him no.  With the no I had suggested that he take the older couples trashcans from the curb up to their garage.  At first he looked at me like I was crazy and said no I don’t want to do that.  I could tell it wasn’t that he didn’t want to do the work.  He seemed a little shy about it, which I could understand.  But then he looked at his brother and asked if he wanted to take the trashcans up with him and when he said yes they both took off with huge smiles on their faces. 

When they ran back they were excited and asked if they could take all the peoples trashcans up to their garages.  They were so cute, they would go from house to house and if a car were coming they would wait so that no one would see them.  With each house they were filled with more and more excitement and joy.  They had so much fun they asked if they could do this every week.  We talked about how surprised the people would be to come home from work and not have to bring up their trashcans.  They were filled with joy because they were blessing others. 

I called them my little trashcan ninjas because they were working so fast and trying not to be seen.  I was so proud of them.  They blessed an entire subdivision full of people that day but I think that they felt more blessed. 

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”  Galatians 6:10

Who will you bless today?  I know that when the joy my kids had in their hearts from blessing others spilled over and touched me it made me want a bit of what they had.  It is contagious so I propose that we all put it in our minds to bless until we are so filled with joy that it spills over.  


  1. Two too cute! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Love it!!! Sure wish I'd thought of it. LOL :) Love you, Courtney!!! Thank you for encouraging me to look for ways my little ones can serve others! :)

  3. Such a cute story and loved the verse... thanks for sharing!
