Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Woman of My Word

Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' 
and your 'No,' 'No'; 
anything beyond this 
comes from the evil one. 
- Matthew 5:37

Lately the Lord has highlighted an area I need to correct in my life. With the craziness of having two very active boys, and being three months pregnant,  I have learned that my memory is going and many times I agree to something and later forget about it. On the flip of that, I have also said, to my kids, there would be a consequence for a behavior done away from home and later forgotten about that too. This bothers me. I don't want my boys to remember back to their childhood and think, "Oh Mom never followed through with what she said, and we could never count on her word for truth." That is a powerful thing to think about. Because we tell them the Truth of God as well and we want them to believe it is true when we share it, but if they have come to second guess our words then they may do that with the Lord as well. 

So Moms....with every problem in life we have two options: (1) to sulk OR (2) to solve. I have chosen the latter and decided to put a white board in my kitchen to write down my "commitments" to my children in order to be a woman of my word. I know that the Word of God says to let my yes be yes and I really want to strive for that in my life. It has been said many times, and is oh so convicting, that our children will look to us, as moms, as the standard for how wives and moms behave. I need to change. I want to look like Jesus...a Truth teller who impacts others because of his character!

Are you characterized by others as one who keeps your word and follows through?

How are you doing with keeping your "commitments" to your kids?

Do you let consequences go because it is easier?
Believe me...easier now but very detrimental later. I have learned this the hard way and am now backtracking to make up for my mistakes.

Do you sulk or try to solve issues that come up? 
Allow issues to be growing me someday the Lord will use your trials to encourage another! 

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