Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where we at with God?

I was reading my devotional (had to read two to get caught up) and thought – “Where am I at in my journey with God at this point in my life?”  I remember feeling so connected to God before I was married and had kids.  The Lord is still with me – He will never leave us nor forsake us—but how close to Him am I putting myself now-a-days? 

This weekend at church we took communion and I confessed to the Lord that I wanted to go deeper in my relationship with Him.  As it is, some days I just read the Scripture verses assigned to that day’s devotional script and other days I do the whole thing, but there are other days I let slumber overtake me and I miss out completely!  I SO want to get “lost” in the Bible, reading (like eating a good meal kind of reading), filling up and having something to pour out for others.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”…

“Revive me, O LORD, according to Your word.”  Psalm 119: 105 & 107


I also wonder, since you’re a mom too, where are you at in your journey with the Lord?  Have you walked each day totally immersed in the Word and being so filled that others just want to rub shoulders with you to get some Jesus in them?  Hallelujah, and amen!  Good job at setting your priorities in order and not slacking!  Now for the rest of us, let’s make it a point to get back to our “first love” or the One that should be first – each day and with fervent passion for God.

Lord God, Almighty Maker of heaven and earth, You are SOOOO worthy of our attention – please show us when it is that You’d like us to come, seek, sit and listen to You.  Help us to not take the slumber route, but to read Your Word and pray, delighting ourselves in You.  We commit to receiving the wisdom and revelation from Your Word that You offer to us.  Thank You for doing so, in Jesus name. Amen.

Some good reads on this topic:  Daniel 6, 1 Corinthians 4:2, Proverbs 4:20-26,

all of Proverbs for that matter!

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