Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mid-Teen Crisis

It's official. Both the Cudmore kids are in their mid-teenage years!  This past week my daughter Bailee turned 15, and my son is soon to be 17! It's exciting and interesting all at the same time.  These days have caused my husband and I to be on our knees interceding on behalf of our mid-teens; but not for reasons you may assume.  Much like the proverbial "mid-life" crisis many go through, these mid-teen years has brought our family to a time of reflection and re-evaluation. Not just in how we teach and guide Sam and Bailee, but its a time for them to step back and see how the Lord is leading them.  The mid-teenage years are a good time for us as parents to "let the leash out."  To allow our children to seek the Lord and ask Him what His will is for their life, not just for the day but for the days ahead. It's a time to face any doubts, fears, and/or confusion about all aspects of life. God is shaking up our status quo.  See I told you; exciting and interesting all at the same time!

As far back as I can remember Samuel has had a ball and bat in his hands, and Bailee has desired to be a ballerina, and is constantly dancing.  Seeing these gifts the Lord placed in them, my husband Darin and I, began to provide opportunities for them to learn and grow in these areas. It's hard to imagine them not participating in these activities.  This summer was very similar to summers past; Samuel played on a travel baseball team and Bailee attended a 4 week summer ballet intensive program.  Being involved in these activities is what we have always done. During this time, the Lord began answering some of my prayers for them as Christian mid-teens.  Prayers such as, "Lord please let nothing get in the way of your will for their lives", or "Lord please help them know you, really know and trust you." (Something tells me, Christian Mom, that you may have and continue to pray similar prayers.) Well, be mindful of what you pray because the way the Lord answers prayers is often not the way we envision. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord." Isaiah 55:8 "His ways are eternal" Habakkuk 3:6b.

Mid-way through the summer dance program my daughter came to us with some struggles she was having in the program.  These struggles were causing her to re-evaluate if dance was truly what she was supposed to do.  She was thinking about quitting the program. This was an eye-opener for us as her parents to say the least.  This is what she has always dreamed of. It was really hard for her to tell us because she did not want to disappoint us.  Suffice to say, after much talking, seeking God's word, and praying on both our parts, she did not quit dance or the summer intensive.  We recognized it as an opportunity to trust the Lord during these challenging circumstances. It was very difficult to see her walk through this refining emotional and spiritual time. It's not the way I expected the Lord would grow her knowledge and trust of Him; that's for sure.  However, it was through these trials she grew. His ways are best...always.

Meanwhile, during that same summer we noticed Sam loosing his desire to play baseball.  This was disconcerting especially to my husband.  Sam had always played baseball and he is good at it.  It was perplexing.  Regardless, he finished the summer season just in time for the Fall baseball season.  He started practicing with the team as usual.  Once again we saw his lack of enthusiasm.  When Darin and I approached him about what we saw he was able to share with us that he did not want to play fall ball.  He had been worried to tell us because he, like Bailee, did not want to disappoint us or his coaches.  Suffice to say, after much talking, seeking God's word, and praying on both our parts, Samuel decided to take the fall season off.  He feels as though, and Darin and I agree, that the Lord is doing a "new thing". (read Isaiah 48). Not sure about Spring baseball but I am sure that the Lord is answering my prayer and nothing will get in the way of HIS will for Samuel.

So I say all that to say this; If you have children entering or living in the mid-teen years be encouraged! These are interesting and exciting times.  Embrace it all! The ups and downs; the set backs and victories. Listen to them with ears empty of your own expectations.  Allow them to question. LOVE. "My dear brothers (godly moms), take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires". James 1:19 Remember your prayers for them and watch their lives.  Often, you will be surprised how the Lord chooses to answer them.  Each parenting stage has it's own set of challenges however you are not alone.  "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" James 1:5. He began the good work  in you and  in your children and will complete it! (Philippians 1:6).

Dear Lord, please give us the courage to parent from your perspective.  Your way, your will, your best!  Thank you for your faithfulness.  In Jesus name and by the power of the Holy Spirit I pray.  Lord, may only You remain. Amen


  1. Beautiful Amy! Such truth! Thank you for sharing your life and allowing us to be a part of it! Each time you write...we glean much!

    1. Thanks Kate!! Get ready girl...your boys will be there in a snap! Remember Sam....your little student?:O Too fast...
