Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do You Know His Voice?

“My sheep listen to my voice.” John 10:27

“Why haven’t you put on your shoes? It’s time to go!” I asked my son. “Because you didn’t tell me to,” he responded. “Yes, I did. Several times in fact. You were day dreaming and not listening to me. You need to always listen for the sound of my voice so you don’t miss out on my instructions.”

I become so frustrated at how easily distracted my children get. I could be talking directly at them, looking them in the eye, and if their mind is distracted by something else, they will not hear what I have said. At all. Often, I have them repeat back to me what I said. Even then, I have a 50/50 chance of whether they will remember what I’ve said.

Isn’t that how I am with my Heavenly Father? I am the sheep that wanders off from the rest of the flock. The grass in the distance appears greener and intriguing, so I wander away. When I don’t respond to my Father’s voice, He leaves the flock and comes for me. Such grace! Such love!

Just as my children need to heed my voice, I need to tune my heart to hear God. I have to know His voice and what it sounds like so that I can recognize it when He speaks. It’s by reading His Word and hiding it my heart that I come to know His voice. Among the clamour of voices from the world, I need to recognize and hear His voice above it all. For He is my Shepherd, the One who loves and cares for me.

I also need to put aside the distractions that keep me from hearing His voice. It’s these distractions that make me wander away from Him. Because anything can be a distraction to my heart, I need to keep Him the central focus of my heart and everything else as second.

Will my children ever learn to hear me the first time I call? Maybe. Perhaps never. But that is why Jesus came to save us, because we couldn’t hear God’s voice on our own. He came to give us new hearts that know and love Him. And even though we may continue to wander, He will always come and find us.
(Text Reference: http://devotionsformoms.com/)

Question: What is God telling you TODAY? Are you listening?

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