Saturday, September 22, 2012


The plans of the diligent lead to profit
as surely as haste leads to poverty.
 - Proverbs 21:5

"So, have you felt the guilt yet?" 
This was the question my friend asked when my second son was born three years ago.  My Jack was just a few days old and I was still in the daze of no sleep and much crazy. Jeni explained that when she had her second she felt such guilt from having to tear her attention in two different directions. Feeling as if neither is fully getting your attention but not wanting to neglect either. 

It was a few days ago that I remembered that conversation. I was sitting on the floor enjoying time with my youngest throwing a ball back and forth, while my oldest was "enjoying" a time out. It was only five minutes but it was a joyful five minutes and we had a blast. We laughed and played. I realized it was short but sweet and I need to look for these opportunities more often with both boys. Moments when one is busy and I have a chance to enjoy a time with the other. I need to be mindful of just how important these little nuggets of time are to both my child and me as well. When we have that one-on-one time it opens up the opportunity to see sweet personality traits that sometimes get overlooked in the busyness of life.

Whether you have one child or ten, there are always days when you ponder and question how much quality time is being spent with family. I think if we want our time to count, then we must be intentional about how we spend it. Plan out our day. Plan out your week. Look for those small windows of time for hugs, laughs, talks, that will create memories you cherish, with each child. 

What does that practically look like for you?
Have you struggled with the "guilt"?
Is there margin in your schedule for you to have a "date" with your little one?

Lord, help us to carve out quality time with the children you have entrusted us with. Allow us to make deposits of love and encouragement in their lives as we sacrifice a few moments each day. Thank you for the gift of parenting. I must be intentional and I need your help. I love you! 


  1. I had a moment the other day with Jordan. Matthew was still napping and Jordan woke up. We layed on the couch and she just kept looking up at me... just her eyes and mine. It was such a sweet moment.
    Thanks Kate.
