Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One Word

" is kind." (I Corinthians 13:4a)

Definition of KIND: helpful, considerate, and gentle. During its history it came to mean "of good family" and "well brought up, generous." (The American Heritage Children's Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin)

What is kindness to you? What does it look like on a daily basis? Is it something you can see being cultivated in your children's hearts? Are we, as parents, striving to combat a world where everything is about "I" and "me" and seeking to be helpful, considerate, and gentle towards others? Sometimes, it's very hard to do. It's very easy to say, but hard to do.

The other day, our family was taking a walk at a local park. It was a busy place and lots of people were camping and enjoying their time with family. As Griffin and I walked s-l-o-w-l-y behind Rob and Cooper a group of teenagers came toward us on the sidewalk. I, like most pedestrians, stayed on the right side of the sidewalk as they approached. But as they got closer I noticed that they were not attempting to move aside like normal people would. They fully intended on taking the entire sidewalk and fully intended on this mother and her little boy to go around them. My stubbornness got the better (or worse) of me and instead of going around I brushed shoulders with the girl closest to me hopefully sending the message to move over next time. The sidewalk was for everyone. Whoa. Wait a minute. In an instant I was transported back to childhood. Was I any different than these kids on the sidewalk or was I sending the same message they were? You don't matter to me.

Walmart, the highway, the grocery store...these are all places where I've run into similar situations and have experienced the rawness of fallen man. There are times when I fight it with the power of the holy spirit and there are times when I'm in a hurry that I start to blend in with everyone else. Helpful. Considerate. Gentle. Generous. A very high standard in a very hurried world. Are our kids going to see these qualities through our actions and our words or the other way around?

When I taught middle schoolers, I always told them if they really wanted to stick out in a crowd or be remembered for something different that they should smile. I told them that being kind was a very rare character trait and that it would make them different in a world of helping self before others.

Am I teaching this to my own kids through my example? Are you? It has become very obvious to me that I cannot do it on my own. I have the same sinful condition that everyone else has and only through His grace will I be able to give it to others.

Heavenly Father,
It is so hard to stand apart from the rest of the world. Only through your love is it possible to love others before ourselves and our families. I pray that you help us to seek out your example in scripture and to really try to live it out daily. Help us to be examples to our kids, that they may turn the other cheek and humbly serve those around them.
In Your Name,

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tracey! So true...I can so relate to your post! Thanks for sharing and giving us some sweet encouragement!
