Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Breath OK? Do I Need a Mint????

Each Wednesday and Saturday night at the Seawell house we have a special tradition I have come to cherish. On those nights my husband works late I lay down with my oldest son at bedtime until he falls asleep. I LOVE this. Little James and I have special extended prayer and it is just a sweet time I so look forward to.

A few weeks ago as we were praying my son randomly shared, "Mommy, your breath stinks." Very matter-of-factly. Gotta love the innocence of kids. I think that's why the Lord admonishes us to act like children because there is a honesty and openness in them that we as adults struggle with. Anyways, I was taken-aback at first and then it got me thinking that my breath was stinky. It was a smell I was giving off that I was unaware of, but because he was close enough to me he was able to smell what I had digested (literally).

The comment actually caused me to stop and reflect on my words and how they "smell" to others. Am I digesting the Bible enough throughout my day that the fragrance of my lips is a sweet aroma or one others want to turn away from? Whatever we are "digesting" is what our "breath"/words will smell like.

Yesterday at ladies Bible study I waited in line at childcare, to drop off my little ones, when I was encouraged by a ministry worker. She shared how she'd seen growth in my kids and how they were maturing well. I was SO blessed by such a simple comment and it touched the depth of my soul. I have struggled so much lately and the Lord used that friend to breath life into a weary and exhausted mommy. Her words uplifted me and were a sweet aroma. She is one others flock to and are refreshed by (Proverbs 11:25).

Many times in my frustration with my children, or husband, I flippantly say something and later wish I hadn't. My mouth has caused me, on many occasions, to push my pride aside and ask for forgiveness from my boys and my husband as well. One of my sons loves to push my buttons and I need to rehearse, in those brief but trying moments, the verse

 James 1:19- "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

Oh how that would help me :) Or what about....

Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 16:23  A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction

Luke 6:45  The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

I need to allow my words to be a reflection of HIS word and let my children experience truth throughout their day. Lets pray this week that we use scripture to combat those fleshly tendencies :)

How are you doing with your words? Sweet aroma? Fragrance others want to turn away from?
Do you need a "mint"/scripture verse to freshen up?
Is there a verse above you might consider memorizing this week to help?

*above images found on Pinterest*


  1. I love all your words Kate! Including this post! Your fam makes me smile! Love to all!

    1. Awesome post, Kate! Such truth, and I love Luke 6:45 as a reference! Beautifully written. =)

  2. Loved this post, Kate! Thanks for your insight.

  3. I love your transparency, Kate (about the stinky breath :)). Such a great metaphor to our words! I LOVE the verses you shared too. Thank you!
