Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Blessings" by Guest Blogger Alicia

My name is Alicia and I was asked to guest blog for this week. I am married to my husband, Alex, and we have a one year old named, Lexie.

Have you ever just sat at the end of your day and just really truly “counted your blessings?” As I was driving home the other day, I thought of all the blessings I had received so far that day. First, I got to spend some alone time with my dad. Second, my mom babysat for my daughter so I could volunteer at a city jamboree. What a blessing!! Then, I later found out, my daughter had bumped her head pretty hard at my mom’s house. So, I took her to a walk in clinic that my husband works at. The doctor saw her at no charge!!! Such a blessing!!! The doctor found her to be just fine J Another blessing!! I could write about many more for just that one day. But, my point is: Do we ever stop to really think about all of our blessings? And, do we remember to thank God for them?? There are so many people God has put in our paths each day to bless us. The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)

As a mom, I want to be able to share these blessings with my daughter as she grows up. I want her to know that we aren’t  “lucky,” we are blessed! All of the material things and non-material things we receive are blessings from our Heavenly Father. My point is that I want my children to know that God is the one who gives us all of our blessings. More importantly, God wants us to be blessed. Everything we receive is a gift from Him. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17) A friend of mine had suggested getting a notebook and start writing down all of your blessings each day, week, etc. Then, you will be able to share some of them with your own children. I would like to even get her to do that very same thing as she gets older. Or, get a special box, write them down and put them in there. At a later date, look at them and share with your child. You will be amazed at all the blessings you can continue to add to it. 


Also, I want to be able to teach her how to bless others. I want her to have that experience to know what it is like first-hand to bless someone. I feel that, as moms, we need to set the example. We need to show our little ones that when we do something for someone, we are “blessing” them. I don’t want her to be boastful and brag about how we blessed this person or that; I want her to do these things in a humble manner. I want her to know that God wants us to bless others just as he blesses us. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God. (Deuteronomy 28:2)

So, ladies, I encourage you to take a moment this week and reflect on all of your blessings you have in your life. If possible, write them down in a journal or put them in a special box. Spend a few quiet moments to thank God for each one of them.

Have a blessed week ladies!

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