Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Your Legacy" by Stacey Wooddell Imbimbo

Proverbs 31:28
“Her children rise up and call her blessed;  Her husband also, and he praises her” 
This past week I attended a memorial service.
The sweet women was my friend’s mother.
I only had the privilege of meeting this mom two times, the last being at our Easter service in April.
She received the news shortly after Easter that she had cancer.
God chose to give her the ultimate healing.
As I sat in her service, her four precious twenty- something –year- old daughters were there, speaking such wonderful things about their mom.
The memories they had of her were treasures, she spent her time pouring into their lives.
These daughters love Jesus.
They’ve chosen husband that live for God.
Her two grandchildren are being raised up in godly homes.
What more could you want?
I left that wonderful service with the thoughts….
“What would my kids say?”  “What would my kids remember?”
Proverbs 31:28 came alive to me in that service
The countless hours that you sacrifice your time and energy into your children remind you that you are leaving a lasting legacy.
Take time today to read an extra book to your child, leave them a special note, or give them an extra hug. 
Make your moments count!

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