Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's Not About YOU

A friend loves at all times 
- Proverbs 17:17

As iron sharpens iron, 
so a friend sharpens a friend. 
- Proverbs 27:17

Ministry is exciting!!

There are always hidden treasures tucked away, in your day, that you weren't even expecting. As we live for Christ, experiencing life, God brings others, in your path, who are going through the season you just left (Praise God!).  And as a mom, there are MANY seasons! 

Many times the Holy Spirit will prompt you to share.  In those moments of vulnerability, you find that woman was so broken, and the Lord used you to uplift and encourage her to stand firm in Jesus again. It's a tough world. Being a mom is hard. We need each other. God knows this and provides friends to hold our hands up when we are too weak to do it on our own. A blessing I am so grateful for!

Yesterday I spoke with a mom whose son was having some issues upon his first year in school. As our conversation went on I felt led to share my "story" and the struggles I have with my kiddos. The surgeons, therapists, and secretaries in-between were weaved into the "story." Telling her how I didn't quite understand HIS sovereignty but I always trust in it. Sharing the God-stories in the midst of the chaos, and what HE did because of our struggles.

Transparency always leads to ministry opportunities.

It's a way of life. Always looking for people to invest in, share with, and pray for. It makes life exciting. Your eyes are aware of those HE places before you - with hopes of sharing HIS love and truth. 

My friend and I prayed together. I was so grateful that I could share some of my crazy and give her the freedom to be REAL. Something we, as Christians, struggle with - afraid someone will find out we struggle. Truth is - they struggle too! We all do - while here on earth. As we hold hands, it somehow makes the struggles more bearable and reminds us of His love. 

Are your eyes open for those unexpected ministry opportunities HE has weaved into your day? 

Our children are watching how we do "ministry" and will mimic it someday soon! 

Give margin in your life to be used by Him with those HE puts in your path.

Remember your "story" is one to share with others and remind us of His character. 

Two are better than one, 
because they have a good return for their work:  
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. 
But pity the man who falls
 and has no one to help him up! 
- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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