Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Give the Gift of Giving

Think back to last Christmas. Bring to mind that one perfect gift you got for one of your children. The one you knew they really wanted. You imagined their reaction when you got it. Then on Christmas morning, you watched with anticipation as they unwrapped it. The crackling of the paper, the widend eyes and the squeal of delight.  Now, remember how you felt. Remember how delighted you were to bless your child. Remember how your eyes widend and your delight.  Jesus said,

"It is more blessed to give that to receive." Acts 20:35b NIV

I have always been a giver; many times to my detriment. I didn't mind giving and doing for people. I found out later, that this was a form of control, but that's another subject. A few years ago, someone brought to my attention that I never allowed people to do for me. I had a problem accepting gifts, acts of service and even compliments. They went on to say, that I was not allowing others to experience the joy of giving to me. I immediately thought of my daughter. We as moms, feel the need to take care of just about everything. Being a single parent, she would ask me to take her shopping for me. I thought it was silly and would tell her that I didn't need anything.

"The people rejoiced over the offerings, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord, and King David was filled with joy." 1 Chronicles 29:9 NLT

Upon learning this about myself, I changed immediately. I began giving my daughter opportunites to give to me. She was filled with joy as she wholeheartedly gave to mommy. I now get to enjoy her squeals of delight in receiving AND in giving. I'll admit, I still struggle with receiving gifts from others. I had to learn to receive gifts in order to Give the Gift of Giving!

Questions: Are you giving the gift of giving? Do you allow your children to do things for you? What about your offers from relatives and your sisters in Christ?   

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