Thursday, June 21, 2012

Waiting - Your Most Effective Weapon

The single most important activity for people waiting on God is prayer.” - John Ortberg, Waiting on God

I have this ring of index card that Maggie (fellow blogger:) gave me. She knows how much I like to write scripture on index cards and put them around my house or in my pocket. It was such a thoughtful gift and has blessed me probably more than what Maggie realized it could at the time. Every scripture that God has used in the last few months to reach out and touch my life is on that ring of cards. It goes with me everywhere and every opportunity I get to read through them I do. But the biggest blessing they have brought is in my prayers.

There have been many times I have locked myself in the bathroom with that ring of scripture and fallen on my knees praying for a very long time. I insert my husband, my children, my friends, and myself into these verses and pray them. The comfort, joy, and confidence the Lord brings in these moments has both blessed and amazed me.

When God has brought us to a time of waiting there can be so much frustration because of our desire to do, do, do. We fail to see that prayer is our most effective weapon. We often miss the opportunity to really do something great because we are so focused on what we can “do” that we neglect the one thing that can really be the most effective…prayer.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

I don’t know what scripture God is using to speak into your life this week but I want to encourage you to pray it. Moms do so much for their families. We are always busy “doing.” Instead of “doing” so much this week, sit and pray that scripture over your family and wait to see what God does.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Courtney! So much truth...and exactly what I needed to hear! Prayer is definitely our most powerful tool! Thank you! Miss you lots!
