Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Flip It"

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever" Psalm 136:1

Every morning when I wake up I do not have to figure out how I feel, my sin nature is wide awake.  My body is still trying to wake up along with my spirit. The same is true for my children. In our family we have incorporated the "flip it" principle.  When a situation provokes our flesh to react whether in complaint or criticism we have choices to make. We can either choose to wallow in our feelings and how it effects us or we can rise above it and be unaffected yet still connected.  When you study the life of Jesus in the Gospels, he was just that.  Whether the crowd accepted or rejected him he remained the same. But how do we do that? Flip it! For instance, this past Sunday on Father's day I opened a letter I received from my daughter's school.  She did not do as well as expected on an Algebra I placement test and is required to do some extra practice work this summer. Suffice to say, she was not pleased.  Her demeanor went  from "yippee let's celebrate and honor Dad" to "I stink at math and my Summer is ruined". I took one look at her and reminded her she needed to "flip it".  God is made perfect in our weakness and this was an opportunity to pray and allow the Lord to work.  Not an opportunity to only think of herself. I encouraged her that this weakness could be a good thing because it causes her to rely on Him all the more: if she chooses.  I also "gently" reminded her this day was about Dad and she needed to to be thankful for him and reflect that in her attitude.  As her mom, I told her it was normal to feel that way, however, crucially important not to stay there.  It would only lead to self pity and being self-centered. This in turn would steer her off the Lord's course. "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1Thessalonians 5:16

If you approach each day as though it's the best day of your life, because after all, it is the day you have,  you begin to cultivate a heart full of thankfulness. Even though Jesus told us in the Gospel of John, in this world we will have troubles, he promises us that he has overcome the world.  How can we matter what.  When trouble comes your way,  make a list, whether mental or written, of all the things you are thankful for. Try it regularly with your children no matter what their ages are. It's fun and revives your souls! We, the Cudmore family, have learned that as you practice this principle, your situation may not change however, supernaturally your heart and attitude does.  "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Prov 17:22 You begin to "happen" to the world around you instead of it "happening" to you.  Proverbs 27:19 tells us that "as water reflects a face, so a man's heart  reflects the man". When you "flip it" you have peace, joy, and love, (among other things the world thirsts for),  to offer.  It will empower and free you and your children to fulfill the two greatest commandments to love God and love others. This will make your children stand out for God's glory and their good.  Now what mom wouldn't want that for their children? I encourage you to incorporated the "flip it" principle into your every day training.  Not only for your children but for yourself.  Focus on the "haves" instead of the  "have nots", the "dos instead of the don't s", the blessings instead of  the burdens. As you encourage your children to "flip it" watch them "flip" their world for Christ!

Some verses to ponder: 2 Corinthians 10:5 and 1 Corinthians 2:16 

As always, I pray that you will be encouraged not discouraged by these words.  I pray that any opinions of mine would be erased from your memory and only He will remain!


  1. That was so beautiful Amy! So true! Such a great reminder of how we handle life will directly affect how our children do as well. I love the "flip it" idea and I have seen how positive your kids are. Love the list part as well. I plan to incorporate this into my life as well...when trouble comes.... make a list of all the blessings in your life :) What a great way to live life and bring Him glory in all you do! Great job Amy!!!

  2. Thanks, Amy, I need to "flip it" right now! Thanks to this blog, I am encouraged to do so. Our Lord knew just what I needed to read today. Thank you!

  3. Wow! Great principle Amy! I can't wait to start practicing "Flip It" personally and corporately with my family. I needed this today! I am going to pass this good info. along! Thanks girl!
