Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sin: Is It All In Your Mind?

...You discern my thoughts from afar.
Psalm 139:2

I was recently convicted and challenged in the area of my thought life. It was late in the evening after a long day, and I had just laid down in bed with my Bible in hand. I was already starting the "shut down" process in my mind and ready to read my evening Scripture and collapse into sweet repose. It was then that my husband walked into the bedroom with his mind racing on a project idea he wanted to bounce off of me. I sat up with a smile on my face, not mentioning his interruption of my plans to close up shop and call it a night, and began to listen with as much focus as I could muster. 

It was then the sin crept up on me. As the clock ticked, it became apparent this was going to be a lengthy conversation. I grew increasingly agitated on the inside, and while my head nodded and my face smiled, in my mind I was contemplating a way to get out of this and get back to what I wanted to do, sleep! My next thought was one of conviction. I love this man, and at this moment, he was asking me to do what I vowed to do before God- love, honor, and cherish him, forsaking all others- and that included selfish little 'ole me. I gave myself a spirit check, said a quick prayer for mental clarity and wisdom to help him work through this, and got my attention back to where it should have been all long. 

I think we have all been there, our face says one thing, but our mind says another. Perhaps we are judging , mocking, or inwardly frustrated by the person we are speaking to. Our thought life is a major battleground where our sinful nature can find ample expression, and we think as long as we don't verbalize or act on our sinful thoughts, it's okay. Our minds can wander off into places our spirits and bodies should never go. Whether it be thoughts of fear, covetous daydreams, impure desires, judgement of others, etc. we need to remember that God holds us accountable in every area of our lives, especially in our inmost thoughts (the birth place of sin), which only He and we know.

When we allow ourselves to entertain these sinful thoughts, they do not stay hidden long. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Eventually, what is kept in darkness will be brought to light, and usually around the ones we are most comfortable with- our spouses and our children. Judgmental thoughts of others turn to gossip, covetous desires are acted out in our shopping "splurges", and when we are frustrated or unsatisfied with our spouse, well, you know that he will feel the effects of that in one way or another. God wants to change us from the inside out. It all starts in our mind. 

If it isn't true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, or worthy of praise (see Phil. 4:8) we should not entertain that thought. In fact, we need to take these thoughts captive and ask the Lord to replace them with thoughts from His Spirit, alive and working in us. If we truly want our hearts to be His home, it's time to clean out the attic. Let's pray together!

Most Gracious God, 
I confess to you today that my thoughts are not always pure and honorable. In fact, many times I find my mind drifting in a sinful direction, and I need Your help to regain control over my thought life so that I may honor and reflect You in all areas of my life. Please change me from the inside out so that these sinful thoughts don't become sinful words, actions, and behaviors that impact my relationship with You and with my loved ones. Though my family may not see this area of my life, they see the effects. Please hold me to the Highest accountability and replace every sinful thought with those that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and worthy of praise. May my heart and mind be places You want to be. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Tammy! I had an opportunity to reflect and repent shortly after reading this post. The Lord used it to bring my attention to my reaction to a similar scenario. Thanks for sharing.
