Saturday, June 23, 2012

Next Generation Leaders

“The greatest among you will be your servant.” - Matthew 23:11

Today during snack time in the Seawell house, we had a conversation that has been a reoccurring theme over the past few weeks. It is the leadership role my oldest son has stepped into and the impact it has on his younger brother. As we munched on popcorn, I praised my older son for his leadership skills he has been showing lately. I have watched him really step up and strive to obey. While through this process trying to remind him that Christ is always watching him, even if mommy isn't. He is not perfect, but like the rest of us...he is a process.

Jesus was a servant leader.  My heart's desire is to instill that truth in my sons. Boys becoming men who will be our next generation leaders who are willing to serve and sacrifice just like the Lord did. Here are three simple steps to take as we raise up our little leaders who will one day impact others in the name of Christ.
Prepare, Practice and Praise!

Prepare- share and talk about ways your child can be a leader towards the younger siblings, while the smaller ones are listening (knowing this someday will be their role as well as you have more children). I tell my oldest all the time what a privileged position he has, and how God chose him for that role of being the leader of the kids in our family.

Practice- teach them and then give them an opportunity to put it to work.
Here are some servanthood leadership ideas for children to help illustrate this revelation from:

At church…

1) Wait on friends during snack time. Let everyone receive snack before you take snack yourself.

2) Ask their teachers,  "How can I help serve you today?"

At home…
1) Help sibling with their chores (i.e. make their bed, help with their dishwasher duty).

2) Empty all the garbage cans in the house.

At school…
1) Let others go ahead of in the lunch line. Do not argue about being first.

2) Bring a pack of fresh pencils and sharpen them all. Hand them out to all your classmates.

3) Serve the teacher by offering to wash the blackboard.

Praise- remember to praise them as they follow through leading a great example. As they receive praise they will be encouraged to do it more often!

We want our kids to serve others and look more like Jesus, but we forget that process must start with us leading the way.

Are we reflecting a good example of what a servant leader looks like?

Are we asking Christ for ways we can better serve Him to further the kingdom?

What do you think the Lord might be saying to you through this blog?

What do you think He might want you to do about it?

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