Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sharing Truth

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. - James 4:14

In 1988 my older sister, Beth, lost her battle with Lymphoma cancer. She was only14 years old, and lived with the disease for 8 months before going home to Jesus. She is the one with the Santa cap on in the pic above. Sunday, April 22, was the anniversary of her death. I have so much respect for my parents. I watched them walk through trial relying on the Lord for strength, which allowed them to grow closer instead of apart (many divorces occur from the loss of a child). They have ministered both by mouth and action to many who have lost a child.

Now, being a mom, the phrase to "lose a child" has a whole new meaning. I allowed Sunday to be a day our family rejoiced over the life of my sister. I explained to my kids where Beth was and that when we get to heaven we will be greeted by Jesus and Beth too! Some may shy away from talking about death with a four year old, but it gave me an opportunity to share with him truth about life and death. That here on earth we have a beginning, our birthday (day we are born), and an ending (where we will meet Jesus face-to-face if He is our Savior).

Death is part of life. It is the sweetest part of life if we know Jesus.
Talking about death with your kids doesn't have to be a scary thing because the conversation that follows is about Jesus. One about TRUE life, how to find it, and His path to heaven.

Has you family encountered a loss of a loved one (Grandma/Grandpa, family friend, dog, cat, ect) is there is an open door to talk about heaven and TRUE life?


  1. Your parents are precious! No wonder you have become the woman, mother, wife, and friend that you have. We are blessed to have you and to be in your life. Thank you for sharing about Beth!! I love you friend!

  2. I second that Joannie! Thank you for your wisdom on sharing with our little ones about our loved ones who are home with our Lord... We will all be reunited and be able to rejoice together, what a day that will be...:)

  3. I third it ;) I love that you celebrate your sisters homecoming to be with Jesus! God's strength shines through your family <3 Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for sharing, Kate! Mikey recently asked about my dad, and I had the opportunity to talk about meeting Jesus when we die. Thank you for reminding us about the beauty even in one of life's toughest challenges: facing the death of a loved one. You have a very strong and wonderful family! Thank you for bringing everything back to Christ! :)
