Saturday, April 14, 2012

Whose Power Are You Tapping Into?

"When the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will receive power." - Acts 1:8

I recently read the book, "The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village", to my boys that really got me thinking.  Sit back, listen and we will come back in a few to discuss some main points together.

Which character can you most relate with
(1) the villagers- relying on their own strength and knowledge ---> producing little fruit
(2) Farmer Dave- relying on the strength & power of the Holy Spirit and
     seeking wisdom in the "Owners Manual" the Bible -----> producing much fruit

I was so convicted as I read this to my boys because I realized I was SO much like the villagers. Not calling out for the Holy Spirit in the craziness of my day when struggling. I want to be full of His power and strength. I want to be fruitful with an abundance to share. I must allow His Spirit to do the leading if I plan to be a helper with the harvest.

What role does the Holy Spirit play in your life? Do you daily reach out in prayer and ask His Spirit to lead and guide you as you disciple your child(ren)?

Lord, help me to rely on Your power in my daily walk with you. Baptize me afresh with your Holy Spirit today and remind me of your strength when I want to rely on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this, Kate, and had never heard of this book until now. Thanks for sharing!
