Thursday, July 24, 2014

Forgetting the Past

                                - Philippians 3:12-14-

I love these couple of verses. Oh how often, we moms, need to read this. Ponder on this and be renewed by this. Forgetting the past and looking forward. As moms, we like perfection, and we forget that it isn't possible here on earth. We are running a race, and will fall down many times before we reach the finish line. But our Heavenly Father is watching every step we make, and cheering us on as we seek to raise up little ones who know who HE is. HE is your biggest fan.

I once heard a quote...
"When satan reminds you of your remind him of his future!"

Today is a brand new day. 

What do you need to "forget" from the past order to move forward in the future?

Jesus loves you!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such an important reminder to start my day! Thank you, I needed that. Xo
