Thursday, April 18, 2013


I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me Galatians 2:20

He advised me he was going to start studying again for a promotional test. What you may be thinking is, "oh, how great! a husband who works hard to provide" and you would be absolutely right! However, what I heard was: 
I am going to be studying for 6-8 hours a day between my 24 hour shifts, I know you also work 13 hour shifts 2 days a week and we are in a busy season of 7th grade and track not to mention the 5 and 3 year old, and I also know I did this 1 year ago for a different promotion but I am doing it again!

I was not very excited about this thought at all. You see we had just done this and I knew what it would take and what sacrifices would have to be made in order to accomplish this task. I was trying to be supportive and be a "good Godly wife" but ladies my flesh got the best of me! I found myself a month and a half in to the studying tired, overwhelmed, and feeling like a single-mom of 3 and it all spilled out. I knew my husband was under immense pressure and I felt horrible after the fact. We were both able to pray and talk through it. We realized where we had both gone wrong and were able to come to a solution for the rest of the process. Though I knew I would have to make some sacrifices and die to my flesh we were able to make it through and reap the benefit of my husband passing his test!! Praise God!! and I also feel like though I got frustrated half way through I was able to pass mine. :)

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Mom's, we pour out into our children, care for our friends, help our coworkers, and give in so many ways but we have to remember that God has placed us in a marriage that we would first serve our husbands. Be careful not to get these out of order. Also, open communication in a gentle and humble way is essential in every marriage. Pray before you speak and pray about your attitude. Where are your feelings coming from? Could they be your flesh? Be careful not to put extra stress on your marriage because you may be having a tough day. You can still communicate how you are feeling with your husband without causing damage and hurt feelings. 

Father in heaven help us to be the submissive wives you have asked us to be. Lord when we are weary give us strength. When we just don't wan't to give anymore of ourselves help us to give even more. Help us to die to ourselves and pick up our cross on a daily basis and reap the benefits here on earth and in Heaven!! In Jesus name I pray blessings on each mom and wife who reads and writes on this blog. Amen

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